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Collaborative Solution-Building

Solution-builders (SBs) excited to “Put IDEAS into Action” are moving to the next level of engagement – Join other IDEAS4GE stakeholders in creating inclusive spaces for all.

Participants engaging in an IDEAS4GE Innovation Challenge generate powerful IDEAS that Solution-builders can use within businesses, organizations, or communities across Canada.

  • Use the IDEAS below to spark new ideas or customize them to meet your unique needs to achieve real impact.
  • We believe that multi-stakeholders from diverse lived experiences and expertise, and those most impacted by the solution need to be at the solution-building table. 
  • Solutions generated through respectful collaborative discussions and the intentional engagement of diverse perspectives are liberating, more impactful, and more sustainable. 

Explore the IDEAS generated at Community-building events and make them your own or

  • Conduct an IDEAS Innovation Challenge for your organization or community. 

Become a Solution-builder in Your Organization

Review the solutions below – use and share them widely!

Four recurring IDEAS4GE solution themes, tools, and resources emerged from the ideas generated by participants engaged in the IDEAS4GE Innovation Challenge. 
  • Ideas related to an Inclusive Person-centric Hiring Solution were the most frequently proposed solutions across each of the IDEAS events.  Check out the comprehensive Hiring Solution resource to support your Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access goals. Take what you need when you need it!
  • Sustained Systemic Policy Change is achieved through intentional policy development that is designed to support your innovative IDEAS for gender equality. This is a necessary ongoing endeavour to advance sustained progress.
  • We are excited to share the Innovation Challenge, Tools, and Resources, and to provide a helpful Roadmap to Celebrate and Understand Diversity Data within your organizations.  (under development)

Inclusive Person-Centric Hiring Strategy

The IDEAS 4 Gender Equality Person-Centric Hiring Solution is a FREE online six-step resource, designed for small to mid-sized Canadian businesses and organizations of any size looking to adopt or expand their hiring practices to promote more diversity and equity within their workplace.  

Regardless of where you are on the journey to promote diversity and be an inclusive employer of choice, this step-by-step Inclusive Person-Centric Hiring Solution has something to offer. 

  • Time is precious, so we have pulled together some of the best tips and tools into this one handy resource.

The IDEAS4GE Solution-Builders from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences are proud to have collaborated in creating this comprehensive hiring solution.   


IDEAS4GE Innovation Challenge Tools and Resources

The frequent requests for the IDEAS4GE Innovation Challenge process and tools and the reported effectiveness of the Innovative Challenge guiding process in creating a safe environment to engage in important discussions led solution-builders to explore this solution.

The IDEAS4GE innovation Challenge tools and resources provide businesses, organizations and DEI practitioners with an easy-to-follow and fully customizable template to help engage diverse perspectives across the organization in establishing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access priorities.  It encourages taking time to understand the issues and opportunities from different perspectives before moving on to generate meaningful solutions. Using an IDEAS lens organizations can begin to integrate inclusion, diversity, equity and access solutions into workplace policies and practices for impactful and tangible systemic change.   Enjoy and Have Fun!

Applied GBA Plus Data Collection and Monitoring Strategies for SMEs and Not-for-Profit Organizations

This solution builds upon insights from a GBA+ intersectional approach to collecting, assessing and monitoring progress toward reflecting the rich diversity of your community within your organization. 

The lessons learned, tools and sample resources are graciously shared by a non-profit organization attempting to apply the 50 – 30 Challenge Publicly Available Specification Documents (I  & II) to their journey toward greater inclusion, diversity, equity and access within routine operations.  As the PAS  III Technical resources are expected to be launched while this solution is being developed it is anticipated that aspects relative to their journey will be incorporated in some fashion.

This national organization will share what is admittedly an early-days roadmap to take intentional actions to better reflect the rich diversity of Canada within their organization. They do this by engaging and supporting their local community member organizations across their national network to understand the benefit of creating a welcoming space where women in all their diversity can benefit from what the organisation has to offer. 

Systemic Policy Change

Collaboration for Equitable Child Care

The following items have emerged from the series of discussions across the project collaborative solution-building activities. 

Child Care 

Child Care Collaboration and Consultation for Equitable and Inclusive Child Care was coordinated by the IDEAS Team with the Child Care Now Canada, BPW Canada and Municipal Children Services representative to generate systemic Early Learning and Child Care related policy recommendations.

Newcomer Workforce Engagement

April 25th the CCEW/IDEAS4GE leads engaged in an information Session RE:  LLC Project exploring collaborative opportunities to support Newcomer engagement in the Canadian Workforce.

  •  Diversity Institute/Future Skills Centre at Toronto Metropolitan University (previously Ryerson) in collaboration with Magnet
  • This initiative provides a range of support to help newcomers develop skills and transition to employment and
  • The Diversity Institute, in collaboration with Magnet, has launched a service that connects Afghan and Ukrainian jobseekers to training and employment opportunities across Canada. Magnet has been operating for almost a decade and currently serves more than 1 million job seekers and 100,000 employers.
  • The platform matches job seekers to opportunities based on their skills and experience and we have several employers specifically targeting recent arrivals.  In addition to the job matching service, we offer a range of training programs including the Advanced Digital and Professional Training (ADaPT) program as well as the Newcomer Entrepreneurship Hub (NEH), other wrap-around supports for children and youth such as tutoring and work integrated learning (WIL). 
  • Once the platform is finalized we will incorporate this into the Hiring Solution and help to promote across the CCEW/BPW Canada network. 

Solution-Builders Parking Lot Issues & Stakeholder Sustainability Survey Feedback

  • National Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Standards for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Marginalized, Racialized, Indigenous, and Gender-diverse Women, Newcomers, and Persons Living with Disabilities in Accessing Child Care)
  • Early Learning and Child Care Workforce Development Strategy
  • Long-term Care and Home Care Standards, Compensation and Workforce Reform
  • Equitable Access & Reliable Technology in Rural and Urban Communities
  • Reducing Implicit Gender-Based Biases to Increase Women’s Participation & Success in STEM
  • Applying an Intersectional Gendered Lens to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Reconciliation Efforts
  • Supporting Youth and learning how to be advocates for equality
  • Comprehensive Gender Equality implementation action planning at the Federal, Provincial/Territorial, Indigenous Governance and Municipal levels


IDEAS4GE Innovative Challenge Summary Reports

Check out the summary report and key themes multi-stakeholder Solution-builders used to;

  • develop a shared understanding
  • set priorities, and
  • move the IDEAS generated at Community-Building Events into concrete actions and impactful solutions.

October 18, 2023


May 18, 2023

SBs Digital platform Analytics

second IDEA Analysis

IDEAS4GE Five-Step Solution-Building Framework

IDEAS Solution-Building Five Step Solution

Want to Learn More?

IDEAS4GE & WWTK – Active Links.

You can now apply the IDEAS4GE lens to the 50 – 30 Challenge What Works Toolkit (WWTK) to explore strategies and resources that can promote Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Solutions in your workplace, marketplace and community. The IDEAS4GE & WWTK Resource was designed in collaboration with the IDEAS, KPMG Canada and the ISED/ISDE Teams and introduced at the event to guide impactful solution-building. 

Check out all of the resources available through the 50 – 30 Challenge What Works Toolkit at


Review photos, recordings & resources from the  IDEAS4GE events.

Digital Workspace

The collaborative solution-building workspace went live on October 13th, 2022. This secure workspace was designed for participants stepping up to be official IDEAS4GE solution-builders.

In addition, this interactive and engaging workspace has proven to be extremely helpful in supporting the Hiring Solution Beta Site Reviewers and the asynchronous IDEAS4GE Break-out Facilitator Training Space. 

Collaborative Solution-Building

Solution-builders (SBs) are excited to "Put IDEAS into Action" and to participate in the next level of engagement on the IDEAS4GE Multi-stakeholder Collaborative Workspace.

Solution-Builders (SBs)

Participants engaging in the IDEAS4GE Innovation Challenges generate real IDEAS to support Solution-builders committed to advancing real change through impactful solutions. We believe that multi-stakeholders from diverse lived experiences, expertise and most impacted by the solution need to be at the solution-building table.  Solutions generated through the respectful collaborative engagement of diverse perspectives are liberating, more impactful and more sustainable.

SBs Digital platform Analytics

second IDEA Analysis

IDEAS4GE Five-Step Solution-Building Framework

IDEAS Solution-Building Five Step Solution

IDEAS4GE Solutions

Check out the IDEAS4GE Solutions to date

Inclusive Person-Centric Hiring Strategy

Pilot coming soon!  

The IDEAS 4 Gender Equality Person-Centric Hiring Solution is an online six-step toolkit, designed for small to mid-sized Canadian businesses and organizations looking to adopt or expand their hiring practices to promote more diversity and equity within their workplace.

Your time is precious, so we have pulled together in one handy resource some of the best tried and tested tips and tools to support businesses and organizations of any size to meet current and future staffing needs. Regardless of where you are on the journey to be an inclusive employer of choice, this Inclusive Person-Centric Hiring Strategy has something to offer. 

Solution-Builders are excited to present this tangible resource to you this summer.

Systemic Policy Change

Collaboration for Equitable Child Care

Collaborative Early Learning and Child Care Consultations coordinated by the IDEAS Team with the Child Care Now Canada, BPW Collaboration for Equitable Child Care Canada and Municipal Children Services representatives generated the following systemic Early Learning and Child Care related policy recommendations.

Your Collaborative Solution-building Workspace

Want to Learn More?

IDEAS4GE & WWTK – Active Links.

You can now apply the IDEAS4GE lens to the 50 – 30 Challenge What Works Toolkit (WWTK) to explore strategies and resources that can promote Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Solutions in your workplace, marketplace and community. The IDEAS4GE & WWTK Resource was designed in collaboration with the IDEAS, KPMG Canada and the ISED/ISDE Teams and introduced at the event to guide impactful solution-building. This is pulled up from where the links were duplicated as shown on the image below realted to the IDEAS4GE Summary Reports.

Check out all of the resources available through the 50 – 30 Challenge What Works Toolkit at

IDEAS4GE Innovative Challenge Summary Reports

Check out the summary report and key themes multi-stakeholder Solution-builders used to set priorities, develop a shared understanding, and move on to develop concrete actions.

May 18, 2023

Report to follow

August 12, 2022


Review photos, recordings & resources from the August 12th, 2022 IDEAS4GE event.

Digital Workspace

The collaborative solution-building workspace went live on October 13th, 2022. This is a secure workspace for participants stepping up to be official IDEAS4GE solution-builders.

To learn more about how you can join the collaborative digital workspace, contact the Project Coordinator at [email protected]