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Government Resources

The CCEW is pleased to invite all interested stakeholders to Connect, Engage and Empower

Resources for Governments at all levels

Governments at all levels (from municipal to provincial/regional, territorial including First Nations) are invited to work in collaboration with other like-minded stakeholders seeking to drive gender equality through a broad intersectional perspective of inclusion, diversity, equity and access for all.

How Canada is Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID  Response & Resources 

Learn how innovative leaders in our Municipal, Provincial and Federal governments are working to implement policies, programs, and initiatives to advance gender equality to build strong inclusive communities across Canada.

Safe Cities - UN Women Safe Cities

Congratulations to the Canadian Cities – Creating safe and empowering public spaces with women and girls

Safe Cities - UN Women Safe Cities

To learn more about joining the safe cities initiative check out:

Gender Equality Week - 2020 - BECAUSE OF YOU

September 20 to 26, 2020 marks Gender Equality Week, an opportunity to raise awareness of the important contributions women and gender diverse communities have made to the growth, development, character and identity of Canada; to celebrate the significant achievements and accomplishments that we have made in advancing gender equality; and to reconfirm our commitment to address persistent gender equality gaps in our country. 

Gender Equality Week is the result of the passing of Bill C-309, the Gender Equality Week Act, which received Royal Assent on June 21, 2018. This legislation designates the fourth week in September as Gender Equality Week.

Join the conversation: #BecauseOfYou

This year’s theme, #BecauseOfYou, celebrates the many trailblazers, activists and advocates who are working to advance gender equality in their communities.

This Gender Equality Week:

Prime Minister Statement on Gender Equality 2020 

Equal by 30 - equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities for women

“Equal by 30 is a public commitment by public and private sector organizations to work towards equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities for women in the clean energy sector by 2030.

Phase II

The CCEW is a proud signatory of the Equal by 30 campaign, a global effort to reach gender parity in the Energy sector by 2030. This initiative includes 13 governments and over 130 participating organizations worldwide. As part of our commitment, we are asking you to fill out the below survey which will be used to collect data and develop an international benchmark for diversity and inclusion in the energy sector.

The Government of Canada, backed by the International Energy Agency, the Clean Energy Ministerial, and multiple governments globally, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, have engaged the technology company Diversio to lead the effort and ensure the data collection is secure, private and fully anonymous. No one will ever have access to your individual responses. All the data will be aggregated for industry insights.

What gets measured, gets done, and if we have a better understanding of the makeup of our organization, and the energy sector at large, we will be able to continue our work towards creating a more diverse, inclusive and innovative atmosphere.

We ask you to take 4 minutes out of your day today, to fill out this survey and help us do our part in improving diversity & inclusion in Energy!

4-minute Survey to  help improve diversity and inclusion in the Energy Sector

Employee Survey 

English Employee Survey:

French Employee Survey:

HR Professionals in your Organization 

English Questionnaire:

French Questionnaire:

If you have questions on these documents or process  contact

Watch for the Aggregated Data Report Fall 2000

Gender Equality in the Energy Sector
Equal by 30 Balance means business

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

The ESDC and the Ministry of Labour hosted the Women and the Workplace Symposium in 2019.  Three key components to advancing workplace gender equality and diversity in Canada were identified: 1. Increasing awareness about gender equality and challenging widespread myths. 2. Changing structures instead of people. 3. Adopting an intersectional approach to gender equality in the workplace.

Best practice strategies that emerged during the Symposium centred around three phases of the employment cycle: hiring, retention and career advancement. 

Symposium Report and additional Resources

Labour Program 

The Labour Program is responsible for protecting the rights and well-being of both workers and employers in federally regulated workplaces. They work closely with provincial and territorial governments, unions, employers, international partners, and other stakeholders to promote fair, safe and productive workplaces and collaborative workplace relations.

Women and Gender Equality Canada

On December 13, 2018, Status of Women Canada became a federal department called Women and Gender Equality Canada (FEGC). Women and Gender Equality Canada (FEGC). As a result of this change, a new website for the Department will archive the Status of Women Canada website. All services and information relating to the organization will remain on this website for consultation, research or recordkeeping purposes. When the new website is launched, this website will not be changed or updated. Stay tuned for more information on the transition to our new web presence.

Promoting Inclusive Diversity in Canada – the Intersectional reality for all Canadians. Groups of people are not homogeneous. Although gender has typically been conceptualized as a binary (girl/woman and boy/man), there is considerable diversity in how individuals and groups understand, experience, and express gender. The “plus” in GBA+ acknowledges that GBA goes beyond biological (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences.

We all have multiple identity factors that intersect to make us who we are; GBA+ also considers many other identity factors, like race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical disability.

DEMYSTIFYING GBA+: Quick Guide 6 page PDF


Innovation Canada

From funding to expert advice to driving new collaborations, our flagship programs and services are designed to help businesses innovate, create jobs and grow Canada’s economy.

The McKinsey Global Institute and McKinsey & Company Canada “Power of Parity” Report

“Accelerating progress toward gender equality is not only a moral and social imperative, it would also deliver a growth dividend for Canada. In a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), The power of parity: Advancing women’s equality in Canada, we find that by taking steps to address this issue, Canada could add $150 billion in incremental GDP in 2026 or see a 0.6 percent increase of annual GDP growth.”

Gender Equality Week


“Gender Equality Week is the result of Bill C-309, the Gender Equality Week Act, which received Royal Assent on June 21, 2018. This legislation designates the fourth week in September as Gender Equality Week.”

A Gendered Look

“The purpose of this report is to present how women and girls can have an effective impact on societies and governments when they are given a chance to take part in global discussions that may affect change. More importantly, this publication emphasizes how women and girls play a significant role in achieving the 2030 Agenda.”