Talent Management Part II: Retention and Beyond (Practitioner’s Path)
The CCEW and BPW Canada IDEAS4GE initiative is pleased to promote The UN Global Compact Network Canada and the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) series of practical, results-oriented workshops supporting the 50 – 30 Challenge. With a focus on actionable insights and peer-to-peer learning, these courses are designed to enable your organization to meet the 50 – 30 Challenge targets: 50% gender parity and 30% representation of equity-deserving groups on boards and/ or in senior management roles.
The Tailored Learning Pathways are customized for the Practitioner and Leaders in your organization. They are free to organizations that actively participate in the 50-30 challenge.
This optional course for the Practitioner’s Path is delivered as part of the UN Global Compact Network Canada’s support to 50 – 30 Challenge participants in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion. A continuation of the two part talent management workshop, this session focuses on career development and succession planning. Through tracking and monitoring retention for systematically marginalized groups, removing barriers to development opportunities and financial and non-financial rewards across rank and function, this workshop will help your organization ensure its career development and succession planning processes include an EDI lens.
Additional Details
Time Zone - Toronto/New York
Event Fee - FREE
Accessibility - Not Specified
Event Organizer(s) -
Language(s) -